meet the characters...

The Director

The Director likes to be in charge and in control of their environment and their lives. They are normally not very detail oriented, choosing to delegate details to others. They are usually very goal oriented and practical in their solutions. However, arriving at their solutions and goals will entail a no-nonsense, "bottom-line" approach.

Directors don't like a lot of restraints or restrictions placed on them, preferring instead to work independently and set their own schedules. Since they often tend to be a workaholic, it is not unusual to see them put in whatever time and effort it takes to accomplish their goal. They may seem impatient at times especially if they believe someone is spending too much time going over details with them or impeding their successful completion of whatever goal or project they are focusing on at the moment.

The Director
The Director

Don't be surprised to see this personality type in a supervisory position or management. Having an entrepreneurial streak, they may be a business owner or strive to own their own business someday. The Director is not easily discouraged and will normally exude confidence.

If their job is routine or repetitive day-by-day, they will get bored easily and not enjoy the work. They will want it to appear they are "tough" in these situations but internally may be miserable if the job is too routine. The Director will do whatever is necessary to prevent themselves from falling into a pattern or routine and seek freedom and independence instead. They will also be very dissatisfied if they believe someone is trying to take advantage of them or hold them back. The Director may not be very good at recognising co-worker's feelings and needs; not because they don't care, but because they are so focused on achieving their goals. If you're looking for someone who works well under pressure and seems to excel in high stress situations, the Director is probably what you're looking for.


The Socialiser

The Socialiser is a very outgoing, energetic and fast paced individual who likes to be around people and enjoys being the centre of attention. They are good relationship builders and most people like them right away. Their driving need is for approval, so they try and like everyone in the hope that everyone will in turn reciprocate and like them too. Compliments, acknowledgement of their achievements, words of admiration and even applause from groups will be the most important thing you can do for them. The Sociliaser loves to talk about themself and some may view them as self-centred, but their real motivation is to be liked.

Their biggest fear is being humiliated in public, since that might make many people disapprove of them and the thought of that would be devastating. The Socialiser doesn't want to appear unattractive or unsuccessful either, so they will make sure their appearance is impeccable and will always give the impression of being very successful at whatever they do, whether they are or not.

The Socialiser
The Socialiser

Some of the strengths you can count on from the Socialiser are their enthusiasm, outgoing behavior, friendliness towards others, and their ability to persuade even the most sceptical of people. They tend to be "dreamers" and can often turn those dreams into very practical ideas in the workplace. Socialisers are normally spontaneous and use their quick wit and humor to make people like them. They aren't too good about hiding their own feelings either, so if they are hurt or disappointed, you'll probably be able to read it in their mannerisms and overall disposition.

Some of the natural weaknesses that are associated with the Socialiser include being impatient, having a relatively short attention span, and not being very detail oriented. In business, Socialisers may tend to socialise at work and not spend as much time doing their work because they strive for the social interaction. Although this is their natural tendency, many have learned to control themselves and keep their social nature in perspective.


The Thinker

The Thinker is a very detail oriented individual that likes to be involved in things that are controlled and stable. They are interested in accuracy, rationality and logic. People who can't seem to control their emotions will bother them because they believe being emotional makes objectivity difficult or perhaps impossible. They will also dislike being around people who are full of "hype", since they desire facts, accuracy, and logic. Other people's emotions may not be a priority for them as they tend to strive for the facts and "let the chips fall where they may".

Thinkers tend to be quite controlling, both of themselves and others. They don't like things to get out of hand and may not appear very expressive at times because they don't really want themselves to display a lot of emotion. They are very outcome driven and will be sticklers for following procedures and protocol in getting the job done. They are careful, resourceful, and above all, excellent thinkers who will look at all aspects of an issue before taking a stand. Once they take a stand on an issue, they will have the facts to back it up so anyone who challenges them better be prepared.

The Thinker
The Thinker

They like their jobs to be clearly defined and want to know exactly what is expected of them. Knowing those facts, they will be able to prioritise their tasks and see them through to completion. When in decision making roles, they are cautious, logical and require many details and facts before they make a decision. People who try to sell them something by trying to get them emotionally involved usually fail to get them to buy because the Thinker will consider them a "hype artist" and wonder what facts they are trying to hide with all that hype.

In more public roles, the Thinker will strive for originality, cleverness and uniqueness in whatever they happen to be doing. Because of their detail orientation, they are meticulously prepared with all the details so nothing is left for anyone to disagree with. Many accountants and lawyers, for example, are Thinkers. They are excellent for any job that requires creative thinking based on patience, facts and accuracy.


The Supporter

The Supporter takes a slower, easy pace toward their job and life in general. They seek security and longevity on the job and are very happy doing a repetitive task, day in and day out as the repetition allows them to become very skilled in what they do. They won't like it, however, if the rules change a lot as that is contrary to their desire to minimise change and stick with what they know works. One extreme example we've all seen or heard of are bookkeepers who refuse to use computers because they can count on the old way and don't want to change. The Supporter will resist change out of concern that even though the current way may be unpleasant, the unknown may be even more unpleasant.

They seek the respect, sincere admiration, and acceptance of others. The Supporter will willingly work hard to please the people they work for as long as they feel appreciated and receive plenty of reassurance that they are needed, thus providing a sense of security that they need. They often think the Director is crazy for taking so many risks and not showing much concern for security and longevity.

The Supporter
The Supporter

Supporters are usually very organised and being around a messy environment or disorganisation will bother them. They are also good at playing a very supportive role with others and are normally very caring, thoughtful, and compassionate. They are patient, good listeners and will persevere when all others have given up. They especially like working in a group or on a team and will be a stabilising force within that group or team.

Although they may not be as fast as others, they are accurate and thorough. They will usually keep their feelings to themselves and are reluctant to express themselves, even if a more assertive type seems to be taking advantage of them. They will probably choose to "go along to get along".

To attract the Supporter, be sure and talk about the company benefit package and the long-term growth potential within the company. Having a secure, stable environment will be very important to the Supporter.